
Youarecomparingtwomachinesthathavealmosta100%pricedifference.LetstakethesurfaceProfirst.IhaveaSurface3machine.,LisaGadecomparestheMicrosoftSurfacePro3andtheAppleMacBookAir.Readourcompanionarticlehere: ...,TheSurfacePro3hasafundamentallybetterscreen.It'smuchsharper,hasahigherresolutionandits3:2aspectisveryhelpfulwhenusingtraditional ...,TheSP3.Theformfactorisjustawesome.thisthinggoesEVERYWHEREw...

Which is better, the MacBook Air vs the Microsoft Surface Pro? If you ...

You are comparing two machines that have almost a 100% price difference. Lets take the surface Pro first. I have a Surface 3 machine.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs. MacBook Air Comparison Smackdown

Lisa Gade compares the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and the Apple MacBook Air. Read our companion article here: ...

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs MacBook Air

The Surface Pro 3 has a fundamentally better screen. It's much sharper, has a higher resolution and its 3:2 aspect is very helpful when using traditional ...

Surface Pro 3 vs MacBook Air - which one and why? #college

The SP3. The form factor is just awesome. this thing goes EVERYWHERE with me. Oh, and for college, don't underestimate the pen.

Apple MacBook (2015) vs Microsoft Surface Pro 3

The biggest difference between these two devices is the operating system they run. While the Surface Pro 3 runs Windows 8.1 Pro out of the box, ... Is the new MacBook a better... · The Surface Pro is more... · Size differences

Apple MacBook Air (2015) 13 vs Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 13.5 ...

Why is Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 13.5 Intel Core i7-1065G7 / 16GB RAM / 1TB SSD better than Apple MacBook Air (2015) 13? ; 8GB more RAM memory · 16GBvs8GB ; Has ...

Slick Ultraportables Face Off

Likewise, the Apple MacBook Pro offers far better performance than the MacBook Air does and comes with some flashy features of its own, like a ...

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs Apple MacBook Air 11in: the weigh-in

The Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is the thinnest and lightest Surface yet: in tablet form it's a mere 9.1mm in depth and weighs just 800g.

Microsoft Surface 3 vs. 2015 MacBook Air

The new Surface 3 is 3 percent shorter and 11 percent narrower than the 11-in MacBook Air. The above spec lists the Surface 3's thickness without its keyboard ...

Apple MacBook Air (2015) 13 vs Microsoft Surface Pro 7 12.3 Intel ...

Why is Microsoft Surface Pro 7 12.3 Intel Core i5-1035G4 1.1GHz / 16GB RAM / 256GB SSD better than Apple MacBook Air (2015) 13? ; 8GB more RAM memory · 16GBvs ...